Image STILL LIFE,<br /><span style="font-size:18px;line-height:18px;">wich does not mean lifeless, but rather at rest</span>

wich does not mean lifeless, but rather at rest


Image THE ACT OF EMBROIDERING,<br /><span style="font-size:18px;line-height:18px;">work in progress</span>

work in progress

The artist

Teresa Vallmajó (Banyoles, 1944) is one of the few women artists of her generation to remain active as a professional. Sixty years of creating pictures which began when she was very young, on the floor of her parents butcher's shop, drawing on a blackboard which they had ordered from the carpenter.

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The place

Throughout Teresa’s life, her studio and art gallery have alternated between domesticity and creativity, always close to the household where she developed a world of her own. In the heart of the historic Barri Vell quarter, in a late 19th century building, the new Fons d’Art Teresa Vallmajó opens its doors to reveal the 21st century work of this artist from Banyoles, with a private Library which can be consulted by the general public, where the medieval art of Cluny stands side by side with Odilon Redon’s vast decorative panels.

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A PARADISE, by Teresa Vallmajó

"If a man coud pass through Paradise in a dream, and have a flower presented to him as a pledge that his soul had really been there, and if he found that flower in his hand when he awoke awoke – Aye! And what then?"

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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